Mats Grorud on Palestine, Animation and Hope
“The Tower,” the debut of Norway’s Mats Grorud, features as a Special Screening at the Marrakech Film Festival. Produced by Tenk TV (based out of Bærum, Norway), Les Contes Modernes (Bourg-Lès-Valence, France) and Goteborg-based Cinenic Film, the animated film revolves
Movie Review: Scorn
Scorn tells the story of three people that has a passion of the film industry as they are all planning their next film. The film stars Lindsley Register (as Zoey), who is known as Laura on AMC’s The Walking Dead,
One Good Reason
’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, one of the greatest things about reviewing films is finding indie gems that I would have completely overlooked browsing on iTunes. Even better is that I get to share those films
How a D-Day Documentary Changed Me
Being of service is one of those things that sometimes gets bumped down on my to-do list. I get caught up thinking that I’m too busy or that someone else would be in a better position to help.
‘The Girl Who Wore Freedom’ Review
I watch dozens of documentaries each year, and I always learn something from the best ones. However, I don’t recall ever being so emotional over a documentary as I was while watching this one from Christian Taylor. Ms. Taylor confesses
Cross the finish line with the sports documentary ‘Let ‘Em Play’
Let ‘Em Play director Scott Marshutz doesn’t shy away from the difficulties each athlete faces as they vie for the chance to represent their country. The documentary gets up and close with each of them as they wade through a
F’cking My Way Back Home
Shawn Whitney and Kathryn Palmateer’s 69-minute feature is a well-made, low-budget film with a strong story and powerful performances. Fucking my Way Back Home spans a single night, during which two outcasts meet and form a connection. The film is
By reading the synopsis of this film A Deadly Place you would think this is another one of those thrillers where a woman returns home and all hell breaks loose from the minute the film starts. Maybe the film Alone
Movies ‘Millennium After the Millennium’ Makes a Case for Why the “Other” Chris Carter Show Was So Much More [Review]
If the “general public” remembers Millennium at all, it’s probably as The X Files’ little sister series. Chris Carter’s second show arrived with a flurry of hype—the teaser promos, with a drooling nutcase bellowing “the thousand years is OVER!”