In a small enchanting town, a heartbroken girl named Holly fights to save her home, the bakery that she loves, win the “The Great Plains Bake-Off” and all the while hopes to fall in love with the right guy. The bakery owner Nic is like a father to Holly after she lost hers two years ago. Holly is the favorite to win the great bake-off that happens here yearly. She trains daily with her best friend Rileigh. When Ryan comes to town to visit his aunt and uncle, he meets Holly and the two are an instant match, but when Holly finds out that Ryan’s uncle is the bank manager that’s trying to foreclose on hers and her mother’s home, she gets angry and wants nothing to do with Ryan. In the end, Ryan comes to the rescue at the great-bake-off, and the bakery owner Nic saves Christmas by taking over for his brother who is Santa Clause. Nic leaves the bakery to Holly and Ryan and they all live happily ever after.